Author: MLMacomber (Page 1 of 3)

Are you busy?

That new shirt is a little busy. 

I called you but got the busy signal. 

She is quite the busy body. 

We use the word busy in a wide range of contexts. 

I want to talk about the way we use the word busy as an excuse. 

Sorry, I missed your call. I was busy. 

I had such a busy week. 

Oh Friday night? No. I’m busy. 

My husband and I recently challenged ourselves to stop saying we are busy and pinpoint what we really mean. 

Instead of saying we had a busy day at work, we specify we had a day full of meetings or we were caught up in a stressful project. 

Instead of saying we are too busy to attend the event, we clarify that we have already chosen to do something else. 

Now this isn’t easy. I often find myself wanting to say I had a busy day when I get home. I’m tired and I don’t want to explain all the ins and outs of my day. 

It is also difficult to tell someone politely that you don’t want to attend their event. Simply saying I’m busy is a smoother reason than saying my evening television program can’t be missed. 

Pulling the busy card is an accepted excuse in our society. Busy-ness is form of status in our fast-paced culture.  In fact, I’ve had friends who hand me that excuse. 

Oh, you are such a busy person. I totally understand why you couldn’t make time to visit with me.”

Ouch. That hurts. I don’t want to be too busy for the people in my life who matter and avoiding the word busy requires me to expose how I’m spending my time. It reminds me of my ability to choose how I it. I’m not obligated to be busy. I have a choice about where my 24 hours a day are spent. 

It is entirely possible to have a busy life and not have a fulfilled life. I now often say that I had a full day. That I spent most of the time being active and working towards my goal. 

Is busy-ness something that you struggle with? Take the challenge and see if it changes your perspective on your time and how it is spent this week. 

Good Morning! Or is it?

We all have a morning routine. Some are effective and some are not. Here are my 5 tips for an effective routine for your morning. 

  1. Determine what you want to accomplish

Do you just want to get out the door and not forget your lunch? Do you want to get more done during your day? Use your goal for your routine to determine what it will look like. My goal in the morning is working out and setting my goals for the day. My morning routine looks very different from my husband’s who has a goal to read for a set amount of time and write a journal entry. 

  1. Include breakfast

For me, having something to eat is a must. I have started eating the same thing every day which helps eliminate an early morning choice which in the past resulted in not eating … which resulted in a grumpier Millissa.

  1. Be realistic

I tend to overreach what I think I can accomplish. In the past, I’ve made morning routines with several activities and scheduled them down to the minute. This didn’t work as well for me. I love the waterfall habit idea. I focus on just one thing I want to accomplish each morning. Then when I have that down I add a second habit and so on. When habit #5 gets challenging, I drop back down and focus on habits 1-3 to build confidence and then start adding habits again. 

  1. Be flexible

As I wrote this article and did some research I found several ideas that I’m going to implement this week. If your morning routine isn’t working to do what you want to accomplish, switch it up. That’s the fun of life. We are designed to change and grow. 

  1. Reach out

Valuable information is all around us. One idea I’m going to try this week is asking my friends what their morning routine is instead of asking them what shows they recommend. Of course, the internet has tons of articles and the library has some great books on the subject as well. The caveat with all this information is that it must help me achieve my goal. If it is a great suggestion but it doesn’t help me reach my goal, it is best to shelve it for the moment and move on to other ideas. 

Minimizing: How to become a minimalist

In 2017, we decided to move from a 4-bedroom, 2-garage house in a development to a 1,000-square-foot condo in an urban area.

It was a hard move and we decided to purge as part of the process. We weren’t going to pay for storage. We were only going to keep the things we really needed.

So how did we do it?


To start we had a lot of time to make the transition. We had more than a month of overlap where we were renting our new place and waiting for our house to close. During that time, we were packing and purging frequently.


We really took to heart the idea that if it didn’t bring us joy we didn’t keep it. We had a lot of furniture we had inherited. We didn’t really like it but we kept it because we a) needed furniture and b) it belonged to our relative.


We reviewed what we were keeping over and over again. The first sweep was the easy things. Then a second sweep. Then a third and so on.

Focus on the why:

I constantly reminded myself of the personal reasons I had for minimizing. For us, it was the freedom of time that is connected with having lots of stuff. It was also the promise of someday getting the furniture and accessories that we really wanted.


I didn’t shy from keeping things that really meant something to me. If I valued it, I kept it. What I found was that the more I reviewed the objects themselves weren’t what I valued. I valued the memories surrounding them. Those memories are still there even without the physical items.


Packing things up and then having time to consider is a blessing. If you pack up the box and realize you use something out of it, take it out and keep it.


What is the purpose of the items in your house? Is your goal to have everything you will ever need without visiting the store? We realized for us our goal was to have what we needed for everyday activities. For larger one time projects we were okay with buying what we needed or better yet reaching out to friends and family for help. The springfoam pan is nice but since I make cheesecake very rarely, it made more sense for me to give it away and borrow one when I needed it.


I looked for ways to duplicate or have cross over items. If it doesn’t serve multiple uses maybe there is something else I can use. Example: Bowls – I had a designated bowl for popcorn but that is all I used it for. I switched to using a large bowl that I also use for taking salads to church.

Finances and Kids

Finding books that are right on the money

Parenting is tough and when it comes to educating your kids about money, you want to use all available resources. 

One of those resources is my friend’s blog, That PNW Dad. On his site, Juan Farias Torres advocates for training your kids about money early and he shares his experience creating hands-on financial training for his kids. 

After talking with Farias Torres, I was going to create a list of recommended titles for kids and finances but then I realized that I would rather empower you to find the books that fit your situation. So here’s my MONEY tips for finding effective financial materials for you and your child. These are not hard-and-fast rules but just thoughts to get you started. 


Look for authors/publisher who share your mindset on money management. How you handle finances is something that can be very personal. For your child’s introduction to the topic, you want the text to match your beliefs. 


As I said these aren’t hard-and-fast rules. So in addition to looking for authors who have the same mindset, don’t shy away from books that have views that vary from yours. I hate to break it to you, but there is a strong chance your child will start to develop opinions that differ from yours, especially as they get older. By being open-minded to those differences early, you can create an environment to have calmer discussions later. And let’s be honest, exposing yourself to new financial ideas might not hurt either. 


Ask friends and family for suggestions. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Is your neighbor’s son a few years older than your own? Ask what books worked for him. This is especially helpful because kids often mimic their older friends and relatives. If your daughter knows her older cousin read a book, there is a good chance she will be eager to read it as well. 


Find ways to connect with your child’s interests. If your child is loving the beloved series of books by Herman Parish try Amelia Bedelia Means Business and chat about how Amelia works to save money for a new bike. Are they loving Harry Potter? Discuss Potter’s inheritance and how he chooses to spend it. 

Also, make sure it is the appropriate reading level for your child. Getting a teen book for your toddler leads to frustration for both of you. If your child isn’t a huge reader, maybe hold off on checking out Warren Buffet’s newest release. Check vendor recommendations and online reviews to find the suggested audience.

Your Library

As always, don’t miss out on the resources – available for free – at your local library. Ask staff members for recommendations. They order the books, track what their patrons are requesting, and are educated on upcoming trends and newly released titles. Finding the right book for the right reader is my favorite task when I’m working at the library. 

And don’t forget to visit to get more financial literacy tips.

Happy reading!

Woodland Park Zoo

One of my fondest memories as a kid was going to the Woodland Park Zoo with my grandparents. When my grandson was born, I put taking him to the zoo on my goals list. 

It didn’t work out for summer time, but we finally had a clear Saturday in late October and we took advantage of it. Here’s our iteneria for uor trip with a few tips. 

  • Our grandson spent the night so we could make an early start. We timed it perfectly, arriving at the zoo just as it opened. The weather cooperated with no rain but very overcast to keep the crowds at bay. 
  • We stocked up a cooler with snacks. Next time, we would definitely bring more food. We banked on getting lunch at one of the restaurants. That woked but I think our grandson would have been happier with his favorites from home. 
  • The best choice we made was borrowing a wagon from a friend. This worked great. Throughout most of the day, our little trooper pulled it himself through the park so it worked to keep him close. We also loaded it with our backpacks, cooler and eventually our grandson tired enough to sit in it. 
  • We did sort of a random route through the park. Next time we would maybe study the map a bit more and be sure to hit everything we wanted. Overall, not a tragedy though as we made it to the penguins, sea otters and bears. 

Building Relationships

“Do what you can to show you care about other people, and you will make our world a better place.” – Rosalynn Carter

When I think about my purpose, relationships are the top of the list. Material objects fade. I want to concentrate my time and energy on the family, friends and strangers that touch my life. 

Here’s a few ways I stay connected and build those relationships. 

1. Reach out

A classmate of mine passed away a few years ago. I remember it clearly because he lived alone and his body was discovered several days after he died. I don’t want that to be my obituary. 

I know that is up to me though. Each day, I have reminders on my phone to reach out to specific friends. When I first started doing this I felt like I was cheating, as if there was a secret guidebook stating I needed to remember without assistance or it didn’t count. 

Now I believe reaching out is the priority and if there is a way I can make that easier it just means I can reach out to more people. 

Are you a texter? Send a quick text. Prefer phone calls? Set aside time to do some chatting. Like writing letters? Stock up on greeting cards on the dollar store. 

2. Track information

Not only do I set reminders but I track information. Did my friend mention her grandson’s birthday? Put it on my calendar. Does my nephew have a favorite chocolate? Add it to his contact information. I also do my best to track the last time I sent a card or shared a photo. 

3. Make “quality” time

There is not enough time in the day to reach out to every single person so when I do spend time with someone I try to make it count. For example, my niece is always eager to hang out. I could have her over once a week at least but it would be boring trips to my house and I would be tired from work and unmotivated to really interact. We would probably just watch a movie and go to bed. So instead, I wait and make sleepovers an event. We go for a walk, make dinner together and play a game. I’m prepared and have energy. And hopefully, she will treasure it. 

4. Choose to

In order to build relationships, you must make a choice that it is important. If your priority is your career, than that is what you are going to build. Take a minute to inventory your time. Where ddi you spend it this week? Who did you spend time with? How did you log your hours? Be intentional about the way you invest your time. 

5. Listen

Anytime you are with someone, listen to them. Set aside distractions. Put away the cell phone. Listen to their words. Mimic their movements. Repeat back what they say. All of the active listening techniques. Dont build relationships just because. Build relationships because people are creative and fascinating. You’ll be blessed. 

Weekend Bike Getaway

My husband and I added electric bikes to our transportation fleet earlier this year. So with the weather being cooperative, we decided to do a bicycle getaway weekend. After some frantic last-minute searching, Port Townsend won our reservation based on proximity to our place – not too close but not too far, connection to a highly-recommended bike trail and the availability of a campsite at the nearby state park.  

Here’s a quick rundown with a few dos and don’ts for planning your trip to the Key City. 


Fort Warden is a beautiful park. The bathrooms were clean and in excellent condition. Be sure to tour the lighthouse and learn from the friendly docents about the light which guided sailors for more than 100 years. The lightkeeper’s former quarters are available to rent and tops our list for a future Port Townsend trip. 


Because this was a last-minute trip, the only available spot was in the Beach Loop. Be prepared if you make a reservation in this area, with a cinder block wall to use as a windbreak. When the campsites aren’t reserved, I’m fairly certain they use the area to test wind resistance for airplanes. 


The Larry Scott Memorial Trail is a winding trek that runs for about 7.5 miles from just outside Port Townsend. I am not an avid bicyclist, but this was the first ride where I was actually disappointed to see the mile markers countdown back to the trailhead. There is definitely some elevation gain, so I was grateful for that electric assist. 


The trailhead is a little innocuous. Don’t be put off.. Push through. The ride is worth it. 


Because of the hurricane-level wind at our campsite, we headed into town to explore Water Street. Walking downtown was delightful. Our favorite finds this visit: ​an Alaska book for my grandson (William James Bookseller), bike-friendly directions to our campsite (Broken Spoke bike shop), a Swiss orange dark chocolate chip waffle cone (Elevated Ice Cream), chicken avocado bacon melt (Sirens Pub) and endless mimosas (Quench Waterfront Kitchen & Bar).


Reservations for the ferry will save you time and anxiety. Check out the website and confirm your spot. After almost 2.5 hours of waiting, we just barely made it on the ferry for our ride to Port Townsend. So many miles of missed cycling adventures. Sigh. 

Winning Weekend

It’s a Monday morning, and I just got back from a two-night trip. It went surprisingly well. I felt like I was prepared for what I needed to do and had the items packed that I needed. Wow! I better document this for posterity. So here you go. My rundown of a successful weekend getaway for my future benefit and your amusement. 


Win –  I actually started contemplating what to pack before my trip this time. Now don’t go crazy with that. I didn’t actually pack. This was just mental contemplation of the weekend and what I may or may not need. Sort of like Olympic athletes who visualize winning the race or successfully jumping over a hurdle the height of a skyscraper. That was me. I clearly saw a vision of a well-packed bag by somewhere around mid-day Thursday. 

Win – I also took the step Thursday to buy a handful of road trip snacks. I even included some of our snack items in my Sunday grocery shopping. (Should I award myself a bonus point for that? 

Loss – As you may know from my other posts, I have discovered a successful snack bag includes items that I like but that are considered disgusting by my traveling companions to avoid sharing. So this was a fail for my weekend. I did not purchase any black licorice, so I did have to share my chocolate-covered almonds. 

Half-win – I got all of the clothes I needed for the weekend washed. Docking half a point because I did fall asleep before they were dry. 


Win – Packed my bag with the clothes from the dryer. Successfully got everything I anticipated needing into my duffle bag without having to do any strength-training exercises to get it zipped shut. I even tossed an extra outfit into the mix so that I’d have an option that I knew I wouldn’t wear for Sunday morning. I only had to take everything out once and repack it due to my lack of folding ability. 

Win – We left the house at our scheduled time, and here’s the real win – we were still talking to each other. Leaving for a trip can be stressful for my marriage. Surprisingly (if you are a newlywed or have never dated), my husband and I don’t really have the same priorities before we leave home. 

Win – I got to the hotel and actually hung up some of my clothes so they wouldn’t be quite as wrinkled on Saturday and Sunday. This is something I do mainly because it makes me feel like I made an effort without having to iron. 

Win – I remembered my toiletry bag, so I had all the essentials. Now that I finally have two of everything and just leave what I need in my travel bag, this has been less of a problem. 

Win – Charging cords for all of my devices were in my duffle bag. It was a beautiful sight. Before I climbed into bed, there was a line of cell phone, laptop, etc all happily gaining energy with cords that I brought myself.  


Win – The outfit I chose for the day matched the weather of our destination. I wasn’t sure this would work out because I really wanted to wear a fall outfit that makes me feel confident, and the calendar says it is early spring. But I made the plunge, and the skies cooperated with some clouds and a nice October-like breeze. 


Win – I got everything back in my duffle bag. It actually zipped even easier, which made me a little hesitant because I thought I might be missing something. 

Win – Despite the zipper situation, I didn’t leave anything in the hotel that I noticed or required a call from the hotel to come back and get. (You know who you are.)

So that’s 9.5 wins + a bonus point and one loss. I’ll call that a winning weekend getaway. 

Avoid the tulips: where to go this weekend

It’s tulip time in my neck of the woods. That means a lot of visitors are headed to the Skagit Valley to view the beautiful fields of color. It’s an incredible sight, and everyone should see it at least once. Some of my favorite pictures of my kids have tulips as a backdrop. 

But if tulips aren’t your thing, you might need something else to do this weekend. Hre are a few options that are a day trip away from the greater Seattle area. 

With all of these destinations, be sure to follow my five rules for a day trip: Pack a snack your copilot doesn’t like so you don’t have to share; plan games for the drive (check out my list of car games here); find a restaurant with interesting architecture; learn a historical fact about the area; and visit the local library. 


Transport yourself to a Bavarian village for the day. There are shops and restaurants aplenty on the main street. The nature trail that parallels the main street down along the river is something I look forward to. Need a longer excursion? Hikes abound in the area.

Guemes Island

This small island is accessible via a ferry from the north end of Anacortes. A quick trip takes you over the channel. Just feet away, you can have lunch at the Guemes Island General Store. They have food, beer, and a great outdoor seating area, perfect for pets or kids. For an adventure after your lunch, take a scenic drive around the island, or if you are feeling athletic, bring a bike or your walking shoes. 

Langley (Washington)

The fastest way from Seattle is a ferry ride to this destination as well, but if you have the time, a scenic drive to this town is possible as well and includes the incredible Deception Pass Bridge. While in Langley, wander the small shops downtown and grab a bite to eat. Take a breather and enjoy the views from a bench along the waterfront trail and spot some wildlife or maybe a Navy jet doing maneuvers. 


Lake Sacajewa Park was the highlight of our trip to this charming town. You could spend the whole day having a picnic here, wandering the 3.5 miles of trail system, kayaking, fishing or playing games in the grass. If you do pull yourself away from the park, visit the historic downtown area. You can download a walking tour map from the city website. The Carnegie library building is a beautiful spot to visit. 


The ocean beaches of Washington are a great place to spend the day, and Aberdeen is a good starting point to find them. The area has seen some hard times since its founding in the late 1800s. Of course, our visit didn’t have to do with the history; my husband wanted to see where Kurt Cobain grew up. Be sure to visit the Kurt Cobain Memorial Park, and you can view the house where he grew up. 

Table for Two: Disneyland Tips for the Pair of You

Headed to Disneyland with your partner? Now that my husband and I are empty nesters, we recently headed to the happiest place on Earth – just the two of us and we had a blast. You don’t need a caravan to enjoy the attractions – though I’ll share tips if that is the case in a future post. Here are a few takeaways from our trip as a couple:

Make a list of Must-Do’s

This was an ongoing list for us. We created an initial list before our trip. As we walked through the park, we added to it. It included rides, souvenirs, and edibles. This was sort of our go-to as we planned our day. It made decision-making a lot easier and gave us a sense of accomplishment when we headed home with every item crossed off the list.

Be flexible

Having two people in your group usually made getting seats together on rides simple, but you still had to wait in line. With the Cars ride, we noticed there was a much shorter single-rider line. We also noticed the majority of single riders were in the same car. We risked it, and it worked out great. (We did communicate a meeting place for if we were separated.)

Ask questions

Restaurants were prominent on our list of Must-Dos. While we attempted to get reservations through the Disneyland app a few months before our trip, we hadn’t succeeded. We found by asking the helpful cast members at the actual locations that each restaurant handled walk-ups a little differently. By asking questions, we were able to eat at all of the restaurants on our list during our stay.
We’ve heard Disney has made some changes to this system since our visit, so our takeaway is still the same – ask questions. The cast knows the ins and outs. Trust them!

Share food

For this trip, I really wanted to try a lot of foods. I also wanted to avoid gaining a pants size. Michael and I did lots of snacking and sharing to make this happen. Instead of ordering two full-size meals, we just ordered one meal and two forks. Then later in the day, we would get a single meal or item to share. It worked great.

Nothing is set in stone

With just two adults, we weren’t obligated to eat at traditional times. It was nice to avoid lines by eating lunch at 3 p.m. or dinner at 9 p.m. With just two people voting, it was easier to decide when to stop for a break or a snack and then just make it happen. Super long wait for the Star Wars attraction, switch gears, and head over to Adventureland for a Dole Whip and a Jungle Cruise.


This is a tip for every travel experience. Decide before you go what you will be spending. This isn’t to make your life miserable but to help minimize the decision-making headaches of being a tourist. You already have so many things to decide every day … what to wear, where to eat, when to wake up, when to rest, what ride to go on, and what souvenir to purchase. By having a budget in place, you can make souvenir shopping much less stressful. It will also put you and your traveling partner on the same page so there are no surprise bills when the trip ends.

Less baggage

One of the greatest joys I discovered on this trip was the reduction in accessories that had to be brought. We carried a small backpack with some essentials. The freedom of moving around the park was such a blessing and made the experiences more enjoyable and made the transitions that much smoother.

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