Author: MLMacomber (Page 2 of 3)

Listen Up! 10 ways to be a better listener right now

What did you say? Can you repeat that? 

You might hear me say this when my husband tries to talk to me when I’m on the computer. Or maybe he says it to me when he is lost in his book, and I interrupt his designated morning reading time. After 20-plus years of marriage, it isn’t said in anger but as a reminder that tuning in and taking time to hear your spouse is vital.

Being a good listener is a daily requirement for so many of us. So how can we grow that skill and be even better? Here are a few tips.

Stop Talking

You can’t be a good listener if you are always talking. Pause and let your conversation partner say what they need to say. This may mean physically biting your lip or gripping your teeth together. Whatever it takes. For extreme cases, ask a friend to give a discreet sign when you need to stop talking. Maybe touching an earlobe or looking at their watch. 

Eye Contact

Now that you’ve stopped talking focus on your body language. First, look the other person in the eye. Keep your concentration on them. Don’t look out the window or around the room. If the environment is distracting, suggest moving to a different location or having the conversation at a different time. 

Repeat Back

I know that Michael is really engaged in the conversation when he remembers what I’ve said. This doesn’t mean he recites my words verbatim. He listens and then says it back in his own words so I have confirmation that what I have communicated makes sense. This is especially important if the conversation is turning a little tenser. Hearing what I’ve said come back to me validates me (or possibly makes me pause to consider if that is really what I meant). 


Asking follow-up questions is similar to repeating back and is another good way to demonstrate you are listening. Asking simple questions to show you are turned in helps the other person feel like what they are saying is valuable. When you go to think of a question, build on what they have said. “You mentioned that it was difficult to find a part. Why is that?” “I heard you say that the trip was delayed. What happened?”

But don’t focus so much on what questions to ask that you miss what is being said. “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” ― Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. 


Make it a game. There are daily opportunities to start a conversation with a new person and practice your skills. The next time you are in line at the grocery store or on a bus. Maybe you get to a meeting early or in the waiting room at the doctor’s office. See if you can start a conversation and then just listen. Hear what the other person has to say. Keep the information about your own life minimal. The goal of the game is to walk away knowing more about the other person than they know about you. 

Keep your thoughts on track

As you listen, it may be challenging to think of questions without your thoughts drifting. To avoid this resume, focus simply on their words. If I’m really struggling with staying in the moment, I will mentally repeat every word to myself, of course. This helps me to stay on track with the conversation. Then when there is a pause, I can repeat back what they said or just give a confirmation. 

Read all about it

My first recommendation for anyone wanting to be a better listener is to read How to Win Friends and Influence People. Despite being written in the last century, Dale Carnegie gives timeless advice for connecting with people by hearing what they have to say. A newer book that will provide you with some ideas is You’re not listening: what you’re missing and why it matters by Kate Murphy.

I hope these tips help you be a better listener today. Let me know what tips I missed or what you appreciate in a great listener. 

Book Review: Bold Spirit

Bold Spirit by Linda Lawrence Hunt

Book grade: A-

Target audience: The reading level is probably for at least middle school and above. I would specifically recommend this for a mother/daughter book read.

Read-Alikes: Ada Blackjack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic by Jennifer Niven

Summary in less than 50 words: Discover the incredible true story of a mother and daughter who walked across the United States in the late 1800s. Hunt uses newspaper accounts as well as reports from family and community members to tell this compelling tale of courage and unexpected outcomes. 

How I heard about it: This book was recommended by a friend and then coincidentally I heard a talk about it when listening to a presentation through my local library She Travelled Solo: Strong Women in the Early 20th Century by Tessa Hulls.

Why I would recommend? Helga and Clara’s story gives a glimpse of what life was like in a different century. It is a reminder to learn the stories of our parents and grandparents. It is a reminder to tell stories to our children and grandchildren. 

Why I wouldn’t recommend? It doesn’t have a happy, tie-it-with-a-bow ending. 

Snow Day Ideas

What do you do when the snow falls and getting around is a little harder to do? I realized today that I didn’t have a strong list of ideas so I’m prepping for my next snow day. 

Here’s 10 ideas for an unexpected day off:

  1. Organize – I’m a minimalist and I still have the stacks of photos and papers that collect in piles in my closet. Inside days are a great time to spread everything out and make some sense of the chaos. Be brutal. What do you actually need to keep and what is just taking up space? 
  2. Walk – Get outside and experience the beauty of the snow. Take some pictures and just savor God’s creation. It is also a good time to test out your cold weather gear and see if anything needs updated.
  3. Eliminate – My husband works in IT and he is legendary for his slimmed down inbox. Mine not so much. I’m constantly getting warnings from Google that I have exceeded or I’m about to exceed my storage space. Take a minute and go through your emails and purge away. And when the emails are sorted, move on to files, photos and apps. 
  4. Dust – Maybe the chandelier, the ceiling fans or the knicknacks on your shelves. I’m sure there are a few things that get missed in the every day cleaning. Take a minute to spruce up the place and let the dust mites find a new home. 
  5. Clean – And if you are still inspired after all that dusting, keep it going by cleaning some of those spaces you don’t typically get to. Have you pulled out your dryer or refrigerator lately? Maybe under the bed or the window tracks need some TLC. This extra time could be a great opportunity to make even the dimly lit areas of your home sparkle. 
  6. Write – Letter writing is a great way to spend an indoor day. Send off some overdue thank you cards or just encouraging notes to someone you haven’t seen for awhile. Not sure who to write to? Scroll your social media thread. Text five of your friends and ask how they are doing. Go through your contact list or your address book. And don’t worry about being fancy. A folded sheet of paper with a Bible verse or piece of poetry will be a pleasant surprise in someone’s mailbox. 
  7. Craft – Finish up one of those projects that has been waiting for some free time. Don’t have a craft ready to go? Gather possible craft materials you already have in the house and then search the internet for ideas. Create a masterpiece for a neighbor or grandparent.
  8. List – It’s time to plan out the rest of your week, month or year. Take some time to list activities you want to accomplish. Plan your meals and make the list of groceries. Plan out your next shopping to buy clothes or home improvement supplies. Have special events coming up? Write out what you need to do to prepare. Make a list of gifts you need to make or buy for the year. 
  9. Color – I have a stack of coloring books and it feels nice to just sit and fill in the space. Let your thoughts wander as you concentrate on making beauty. Staying in the lines is optional. 
  10. Read – Ahhhhh. This is my favorite. Curl up in a comfy chair. Grab a blanket and plow through your next read. In fact, now seems like a good time to do just that. 

Remembering MLK: 5 Books to Read

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a great day to get outside and volunteer. But if you find yourself inside instead, here are 5 books to remember what this amazing man did in his lifetime. 

  1. The autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr

Let’s start with an account of his life by the man himself. Compiled after King’s death this volume combines his papers to tell his life story in his own words.  

  1. Speeches by Martin Luther King, Jr

I listened to this on audio and it is an opportunity to hear King’s voice as he delivers 32 of his most remembered speeches. Everyone should listen to the I Have a Dream speech with King’s voice. 

  1. The three mothers: how the mothers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and James Baldwin shaped a nation

Our mothers have a huge influence on us and King was no difference. Read about three amazing women who through their sons had an impact on our country. 

  1. Walden, and on the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

In many of his writings, King quotes Thoreau and credit him for his platform of non-violence revolution. 

  1. Dear Martin

An interesting way to learn about King’s life. In this book, a young man deals with racism by writing letters to King. Do King’s beliefs still hold up in our modern world? 

Thursday Murder Club

Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

Book grade: A-

Some vulgarity

Target audience: Those who like a mystery with a bit of spice. 

Read-alikes: A Man called Ove, Louise Penny

Summary in less than 50 words: Each week, four residents of Cooper’s Chase Retirement Village meet to discuss crime. When those crimes hit close to home, the Thursday Murder Club is on the case with their humor and their walkers. It is a laugh-out-loud funny journey as they bring the criminals to justice.

How I heard about it: This was recommended by a friend. Thank you, Barb!

Why I would recommend? The characters reflect so many quirks of my friends who are a bit older. I love how natural they sound. The mystery had quite a few twists and turns that kept me turning pages as well. 

Why I wouldn’t recommend? Not 100% G content. I would probably avoid recommending it to younger readers. Also if someone isn’t a mystery fan they probably wouldn’t enjoy the title. 

Getting up and getting going: Let’s talk morning routines!

We all have a morning routine. Some are effective and some are not. Here are my 5 tips for an effective routine for your morning. 

  1. Determine what you want to accomplish

Do you just want to get out the door and not forget your lunch? Do you want to get more done during your day? Use your goal for your routine to determine what it will look like. My goal in the morning is working out and setting my goals for the day. My morning routine looks very different from my husband’s who has a goal to read for a set amount of time and write a journal entry. 

  1. Include breakfast

For me, having something to eat is a must. I have started eating the same thing every day which helps eliminate an early morning choice which in the past resulted in not eating … which resulted in a grumpier Millissa.

  1. Be realistic

I tend to overreach what I think I can accomplish. In the past, I’ve made morning routines with several activities and scheduled them down to the minute. This didn’t work as well for me. I love the waterfall habit idea. I focus on just one thing I want to accomplish each morning. Then when I have that down I add a second habit and so on. When habit #5 gets challenging, I drop back down and focus on habits 1-3 to build confidence and then start adding habits again. 

  1. Be flexible

As I wrote this article and did some research I found several ideas that I’m going to implement this week. If your morning routine isn’t working to do what you want to accomplish, switch it up. That’s the fun of life. We are designed to change and grow. 

  1. Reach out

Valuable information is all around us. One idea I’m going to try this week is asking my friends what their morning routine is instead of asking them what shows they recommend. Of course, the internet has tons of articles and the library has some great books on the subject as well. The caveat with all this information is that it must help me achieve my goal. If it is a great suggestion but it doesn’t help me reach my goal, it is best to shelve it for the moment and move on to other ideas. 

One hour to plan your year

So a friend asked me today about the process I use for strategic planning and goal setting – well, I’m not sure if she asked but I was excited to share with her. This is an outline that anyone could use. 

First 15 minutes

Review the prior year. What went really well? I go through my calendar and see what types of things filled my days. Am I happy with them? What would I do different? 

Minutes 16 to 20

Pull out a sheet of paper (or use my Goal Planning & Tracking template). Now take 4 minutes and set three focus points for the upcoming year. Do you want to go somewhere? Do you want to learn a language? Doing this quickly will help you see what is really important. Need inspiration? I imagine the one thing I want to say about my year when it is over. “This was the year I finally …” or “I loved that I completed ____ this year.” 

Minutes 21 to 40

Now that you have your focus goals now work backwards. In order for your first goal to happen in December what needs to happen by November? What needs to happen by July? Be realistic.  For example: I want to publish 100 blog posts by the end of the year. That means I need to publish 50 by June and 25 by March. I put those mileposts on my calendar in the appropriate months. 

Minutes 41 to 55

Now set a weekly goal to accomplish your monthly goal. In my example above if I need to write 100 blog posts by the end of the year I need to complete 9 (or so) in January. So for the first week of January maybe my goal is to brainstorm 9 ideas and schedule time to outline my first post. 

Last 5 minutes

Set a date to check on how you are doing for your weekly goals. Preferably, you want someone to do this with – a spouse or accountability partner. Choose someone who is reliable and is interested in doing her own goal planning. This can be done in-person or just a simple phone call. 

Whew! Take a deep breath. 

Disclaimer: Don’t get caught in the details with this. Do you need four hours for step one? Go for it. And don’t worry if what you come up with in January doesn’t look the same in March or August. Adjust. Do what works for you. 

Go Live a Life Well Read!

Health After the Holidays is Possible

The holidays have come and gone and so has that tray of Christmas cookies that were sitting on the kitchen counter. Health regrets are a common occurrence after the holidays. So how can you get back on track after ignoring your healthy routines? 

Here are my 5 tips for getting back to health after the holidays. 

  1. Start fresh

It’s okay to have some setbacks. Own it and move on. Admit your setbacks and unemotionally review what went wrong as well as what went right. Did you say yes to a few holiday treats? Did you eat a few veggies during the holiday party? Did you go for a walk after Christmas dinner? Be thorough about what happened. 

  1. Set a time to start again. 

Don’t keep saying, “I’ll start tomorrow” or “I’ll get back to better eating Monday.” Set a specific date and stick with it. And don’t be afraid to make that date now or Wednesday or the 29th. You don’t have to wait for the new year or the beginning of the week. Do whatever works for you. 

  1. Make a battle plan

Review the list you made of what went right and what went wrong. Create specific strategies for moving forward. Was the breakroom candy dish your downfall? Maybe start chewing gum at work so chocolate doesn’t taste as good. Go for a walk instead of going to the break room. Be specific about how you will battle this obstacle to better health after the holidays. 

  1. Set Accountability

Now that you have a plan, call in reinforcements. Who is someone on your friends list who you can let in on the strategy? Give them a call and let them know what your goal is and when they should check back with you. Be clear about what you need from them. Encouragement? Tough love? Listening ear? 

  1. Reward yourself

Making the switch back to health after the holidays is difficult. Be kind to yourself. Plan a special treat or a shopping trip. Maybe a massage or manicure. Do something to make the pain of getting back on track after the holidays worth it in the short term while you wait for the long-term benefits. 

You can do this! Go live well!

Prince & the Pauper

Book grade: B+

The language is very dated.

Target audience: Teens, those who love the classics, someone who is interested in books with a bit of a political focus

Read-alikes: A Conneticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court

Summary in less than 50 words: Tom Canty and the Prince of England look alike. So when they accidentally switch places, they both have a series of adventures that make them see the world from a different perspective.

How I heard about it: I actually chose this book to help me sleep. When I struggle getting my z’s, I play an audiobook at a slow speed. This book didn’t work. I got so interested in it I had to listen to it during the day as well (at regular speed). 

Why I would recommend? It was fascinating to hear the different traditions of the time. The book is set in 1547. The author wrote it in 1881. It would be a fascinating exercise for a school class to make a list of the cultural things that are very different. 

Why I wouldn’t recommend? The language would definitely make it a struggle for a reluctant reader or early reader.

Midnight Riot by Ben Aaronovitch

Book grade: C-

Be aware there is swearing and some vulgarity regarding sex

Target audience: Fans of magic, older teens or adults, crime readers who also like some supernatural thrown in, those who like series.

Read-alikes: Chronicles of St. Mary’s

Summary in less than 50 words: Peter Grant is working for the police force and his career is on a traditional trajectory until the night he takes a witness statement from a ghost and the magical world is unlocked for him. 

How I heard about it: I’m not 100% sure but I think I put a lot of items on hold when I was searching for something to read similar to the Chronicles of St. Mary’s.

Why I would recommend? The narrator has a great voice. The action is fast and moves right along. It is an interesting world and it is set in modern times which makes it a little more relatable than some books in the magic genre.

Why I wouldn’t recommend? The swearing seems a little unnecessary. I personally got a little lost with the plot and all the different characters and such. Maybe by the second book it would all start to make a little more sense.

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