Book grade: C-

Be aware there is swearing and some vulgarity regarding sex

Target audience: Fans of magic, older teens or adults, crime readers who also like some supernatural thrown in, those who like series.

Read-alikes: Chronicles of St. Mary’s

Summary in less than 50 words: Peter Grant is working for the police force and his career is on a traditional trajectory until the night he takes a witness statement from a ghost and the magical world is unlocked for him. 

How I heard about it: I’m not 100% sure but I think I put a lot of items on hold when I was searching for something to read similar to the Chronicles of St. Mary’s.

Why I would recommend? The narrator has a great voice. The action is fast and moves right along. It is an interesting world and it is set in modern times which makes it a little more relatable than some books in the magic genre.

Why I wouldn’t recommend? The swearing seems a little unnecessary. I personally got a little lost with the plot and all the different characters and such. Maybe by the second book it would all start to make a little more sense.